A “Mr and Mrs” event!

How well do you know your partner? Come along and join in or watch other couples prove how well they do/don’t know each other!!

Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

A tea party with a difference to be held in the Church. Come dressed as a character or just yourself to enjoy an afternoon of all things “Mad”. Further details

Car Boot Sale

Bring your car down to the old hall grounds and set up a stall or come for a wander about. Enjoy a cuppa and a chat. You might find a

Easter Trail and Duck Race

An Easter Trail around Clachan culminating in a Duck Race in the Burn. Fun, games, and Easter treats for all the family. Details to follow.

Car Boot Sale

Bring your car down to the old hall grounds and set up a stall or come for a wander about. Enjoy a cuppa and a chat. You might find a

Car Boot Sale

Bring your car down to the old hall grounds and set up a stall or come for a wander about. Enjoy a cuppa and a chat. You might find a

Plant and Bake Sale

Annual event where a vast amount of plants and baking for sale. Also refreshments for sale.

Clachan Open Gardens

Several varied and interesting gardens open for visitors to view over two days. Tickets sold from old hall grounds where refreshments will be served all day. More details to follow.

Car Boot Sale

Bring your car down to the old hall grounds and set up a stall or come for a wander about. Enjoy a cuppa and a chat. You might find a

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